Two police reports have been lodged against a secondary school History teacher for allegedly uttering racial slurs against Indian students.
The reports, lodged by two students from SMK Telok Panglima Garang last Friday, stated that a female history teacher had allegedly called Indian students ‘keling pariah', ‘Negro' and ‘black monkeys', amongst other derogatory names.
In the report, the Form Four and Form Five student said the teacher purportedly told students during class that ‘Indians came from dogs', Indians are ‘children of prostitutes' and the community is stupid.
They also allege that teacher had said the community youth ‘did not have testicles', ‘always menstruates' and indulged in thuggery and theft.
The full story could be accessed at
While the government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, wants to strengthen unity among the various ethnic races in the country, we have some people, like the teacher above who fail to understand that Malaysia is not run by a single race. When the PM himself wants the nation to provide equal opportunities for all Malaysians in all areas, there are some who think that this is not wise and that only the majority should enjoy the wealth of this country. Its sad. It angers me. I am also disappointed that the teacher had passed through the country's education system and teachers training without anyone detecting her racial sentiments.
Any Malaysian regardless of race, religion, creed, colour or ethnicity does not deserve this kind of treatment and most alarming is the fact that it was uttered by a school teacher who had indirectly made all her students racists in one way or another. The physiological scar left by her on these students, will remain despite the harshest punishment meted out against her.
Now students of other races in the class, when this incident occurred, would not think twice to utter what she had said in class, outside of school. While the Indian students would be angry not only at the teacher but her race generally. In this case one rotten or bad apple spoils the barrel.
As far as I am concerned, action should be taken against the teacher. She should not be sacked as this would destroy her career and let her go on thinking that she was right in saying all those things against Indians. She should be transferred. She should be demoted and placed at a Tamil primary school. Let her go to school everyday with hundreds of Indian children and other Indian teachers.
Though deep inside I want her sacked and remain out of the country's education system, that would be an easy way out for her. She has to realise her follies and sacking her will not bring her this realisation. But transferring her to a Tamil medium primary school would certainly do the trick!
I on my part as a Deputy Minister and MIC Information chief would certainly do whatever is necessary to ensure, teachers like this do not "corrupt" our education system. First would be a chat with the Education Minister. I have my way of doing things and let me assure you that this issue will not be swept under the carpet, although the actions may not be publicised.
By Dr Michael D Jeyakumar A thought provoking paper presented at the Forum
on “Realising the Right to Food in Malaysia: Bridging Gaps and Ensuring
Food for...
5 days ago
THOSE days when newly Malaysia was born, most of the teacher’s job was hold by Indians. They educate students, color skin blindly as they consider their job to be noble. This Indians community the most who worked as government servants under department such as JKR, Electricity Board, Water Board, Railway , Postal etc; build the road system, build the railway track, build up the postal service etc and the manpower behind Rubber industries which contribute major economic income to the government together with the mine industries done by the chinese brought this nation out of poverty level.From those people hard work, comes government productivity of Malay people under systems like NEP who had took over all the government job post once for all. And teachers as above, as well as the government and some politician’s are now showing back their gratitude to the minor society by such act as mention above news from Malaysiakini. Above mention case is neither the first nor it going to be the last case as people like this is what the past and present government producing, leaving out those who had broader mind due to exposure to outside world. But this broader mindset people were still in minority and grooving population of this kind people with “Bangsa Malaysia “mindset which could able to remember the contributions of our late grand citizens of this nation, regards their skin color, as all equal and had done their part for this nation, although some were even born outside this country is to be welcomed.This nation were build not by a single hand, the history verified this statement and showing back the gratitude for all the souls which had build this nation by treating their grandchildrens equal, were the only option the people in power can do. But unfortunately, that seems to be not the course. Will this kind of basic morale attitude will be a part of Malaysia in future, only time can answer.
Dear Sarvanan,
Your last paragraph of your latest blog give me a great motivation. It sounds good to me and and i hope it goes to others as well. But lets wait and see whether what said is been done.
Hi YB,
I personally think that the teacher should be sacked so that it will be a lesson to others.
As what you suggest, if she's transfered to a Tamil medium Primary school, do you think she will teach properly? Probably she will be teaching rubbish because she's a racist and she definitely doesn't the Indian community to fair well.
Secondly, are you ever concerned about the education of the Indian student's? If yes, why do you want her to be transfered to a tamil school?
Thirdly, it will be easier for her to bully and insult the indian students since they are primary students. Imagine what she can do to primary students if she can do it to secondary students.
I expect an explanation from you.
Thanks & regards,
jegathegreat(ex Putera MIC)
Dear Sir,
While you wait for the chat with Education Minister, who is conspicuously missing for past two days, why not initiate other actions. Let the public service's action take its course, but in the meantime, being a supporter of the sole guardian of the Indian community, what can you do?
What options? do the parents and community have? Sue the teacher? Make more police reports?
what a impresive statement YB. salute to you becouse you can be a GREAT actor. TRANSFER the teacher??? why?? why not sack her her and arrest under ISA as her act can be charged under ISA??? she create racial tension among the school student.. you as minister should think as a law maker. dont give all rubish statement. why our HINDRAF leader can be charged under ISA with the reason they create national tension why the same thing cant happen to the teacher??? if ministry doesnt sack her than what she say that 'indians dont have testicals' will become true.
If you read today's The Star, it says the teacher will be transferred. To quote, "Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator T. Murugiah, who visited SMK Telok Panglima Garang yesterday, said the teacher regretted the incident and had apologised to the students. “She also said that she did not expect things to become so serious and has agreed to be transferred to another school,” added Murugiah who was accompanied by officers from the Education Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Department’s Public Complaints Bureau."
He also said the issue was now considered closed.
As an Indian, does he agree with the kind of derogatory words that woman used? There are some many teachers like her in Malaysian schools. Most students and parents keep quiet for fear of reprisals.
If the Education Minister does not sack this woman, you can expect more people to lose faith in BN. Transferring is not a form of punishment. She will go to another school and do the same thing again. I will not accept an apology from a person who has been using derogatory words like this.
well im nt surprisd 2 hear tht until nw no action taken..action will oni b taken wen/if the teachr is non-malay wo utter any derog words against malay/islam. pls dun say no..deep in ur heart sure wil be yes...but bcos of UMNO thn !!! if it hapen in other country, im vry sure she will be nw being taken by autorities but here we are more busy with wo play wo's ass...rite?? dun u guy think of March8 anymore...aiya...wat la...if Mei16 cab b rememberd y nt March8...
as mic is in presnt govrmnt action shud hv been taken by u guy realise nw y we dun wan Be End (BN)?? after 1 week of talk/blame/media the teachr wil be thre teachng as normal...wana bet??
hmm i hv anothr thng whch wil aprecite if u can hglight (whch i thnk u wun)...mayb 2mrw i wil email u...
It is your and MIC's sucking up to UMNO that has led to this. And because of your sucking u,p which that teacher has witnessed, what is so wrong about her saying it as it is? MIC sticks out its tongue to lick UMNO ass every time. She has seen it happen. And so have I.
See what UMNO did to Sothinathan? And yet they do the same and nothing happens to them. And what do you do? Nothing!
She has witnessed it an d so have you and I. So she sees Indians in the way she does and she describes them as such. Maybe she was trying to motivate you guys to become real men with balls! Hope she has done you guys a favour with this.
Just want to see how vocal you can get and that will decide for me if she was right in the first place.
You said "While the government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, wants to strengthen unity among the various ethnic races in the country....."
My God! And you are supposed to be a representative of the Indians!!
Maybe its about time someone sues MIC and its leaders for carrying on about being the leaders of the Indian community or that they are their spokespersons!!
mmm...The reports, lodged by two students from SMK Telok Panglima Garang last Friday, stated that a female history teacher had allegedly called Indian students ‘keling pariah', ‘Negro' and ‘black monkeys', amongst other derogatory names.
In the report, the Form Four and Form Five student said the teacher purportedly told students during class that ‘Indians came from dogs', Indians are ‘children of prostitutes' and the community is stupid.
They also allege that teacher had said the community youth ‘did not have testicles', ‘always menstruates' and indulged in thuggery and theft.
my comment: these are still words from the report. how true they are - - who is there to verified? knowing the students these days, i am not surprised if they made this up. i could not imagine how a teacher could have altered such words to students UNLESS if these studets were really deserved it. Maybe you should take a closer look and get down to the field to see how bad the students these days are. even to your own kids you feel like cursing them sometimes and...this is kids of others and they may behave like...maybe gengsters in school. Get real, people!
What is your reaction now since she will be transfered to another school in the district and given counseling?
I firmly against the punishment and would prefer her to be sacked and sued. The action taken on her must be severe till no one else would dare to utter any racist remarks to anyone,anywhere.
I'm disappointed that MIC did not take this matter seriously.
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