The MIC Elections has concluded and now its time to get back to work and deal with pressing matters. Over the last two months many MIC politicians were occupied with the party polls and since now it has come to a close, it is time for us to get to work and close ranks. MIC politicians need to live-up to the newly set Key Performance Index (KPI) by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Our KPI, he said, is to win back the hearts and minds of the Malaysian Indian community.
On other matters, results of the election favoured candidates backed by the president, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu. The Deputy Presidency was won by Datuk G. Palanivel while the three vice-president seats went to Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, Datuk S.K. Devamany and myself.
The leadership of the party is spanking new except for the top post. The party is on its path towards the right direction by bring in new faces. A total 14 out of the 23 Central Working Committee members are new and young faces.
It is my sincere hope that this would be a new era for the party and its members in an effort to further strive to serve not only the Malaysian Indian community but also the entire Malaysian race.
Thanking you and God Bless.
*"Project od the Year" Lang Lebah** gas field development project is first
major victim of Petronas-Petros project, sources say*
14 Feb: Today couples a...
1 week ago
NEW? What is your definition for the word new?
Congratulations on your win.i envy you as my leader because I carry the same name as you. Anyway,a win in the MIC election does not guarantee a win in the GE-13...I hope MIC can come up with good ideas and programs soon to gain back the support that we have lost recently.I am an avid internet reader and I am so frustrated with the way Indians are being treated in our country recently....especially the cow head protest.
I think MIC should step in and pressure the govt to take some actions on this people.
Good Day Sir
Congratulations on your recent party election. " All the President's men won" was the headline flashed on all the major medias in Msia.
Now coming to a recent incident just prior to the National Day, whereby a group of chauvinistic malays demonstrated with the cow's head.....what is MIC's and your take on it. There was hardly any strong comments from MIC on that issue.
Only P.Uthayakumar and Manikavasagam the MP of Kapar made any distinct protest.
MIC usually plays the lame small and helpless brother to the big bully brother UMNO, Im sure your standard BN comments will be we have brought this up with BN chairman or with the cabinet blablablablabla. And we all can wait till the cows come home..minus one of course! :)
The way the police drags its feet to arrest those chauvinistic pigs and the police also stood by watching does reveal something really seriously wrong in this country - the UMNO chauvinistic play their dirty racial supremacy game.
Hishammuddin the lame keris waver met personally with those semi illiterate retards (read the cow head protestors)....why? Bcoz to close ranks and to show solidarity! Did any of you or for that matter the proud and defunct President Samy Velu did the same thing with P.Uthayakumar?
The so-called Indian leadership in the government (read MIC) is truly appalling and pathetic.
Your popularity in the party does not reflect the real emotions on the ground...the indians are truly fed up with MIC....they want brave and fearless leaders.
Have you forgotten we are descendents from a long and proud civilization which still continues today? I dont like the idea of being submissive to a bunch of monkeys with less than 100 years of civilization.
I suggest you read Uthayalumar's book "The Way Forward" and get some inspiration.
Thanking you.
KInd Regards
Asha Iyengar
Now that Palanivel has secured his no 2 position, do you not see how he is working with Bernama to dislodge the no 1?
Bernama is carrying a lot of stories nowadays of people bashing Samy.
If this is not because of Palani's connections with Bernama (he was a former employee there) what else is this?
No use trying to find a scapegoat in Dato Subra (Seputeh Division Chairman) when it is Palanivel who is the real culprit who is in a hurry after the no 1 post.
How many of you have heard Palanivel badmouth about Samy, Saravanan and Velpari?
Better to do a 'Chua Soi Lek' on Palanivel now, otherwise Samy will pay a heavy price in the near future.
Please go to the following blog of Dr M to read what the rakyat say about the MIC President.
It is good to know how the rakyat feel and not just how MIC delegates behave according to the wishes of the MIC President.
That summarises what the PM said - no use being popular within the party only.
Will your change of post means anything to the community?
The answer have never changed in 50 years, so it definately will not now.
I fully agree with Asha Iyengar's comments.
Anyway, as for us the INDIAN COMMUNITY change in MIC is as irrelevant as the party itself.
Greetings Dato',
Congratulations but i do hope that from amongst the new leaders of MIC rises one MAN who speaks up for truth, justice and fairness for the Indian community without fear or favour and this leader must not be subservient in his attitute to either the Government or the President of the Party.
i am not asking for that MAN to be vulgar or crude or even harsh. i ask that MAN to speak up in public when there is a need. i expect him to admonish them in private (if need be) but above all i expect him to be the First MAN among equals in CWC.
when this happens and i hear stories of how that MAN fought against tyranny and injustice, i will dare to dream of the good old days of MIC that was formed on the ideals of the independence struggles of India and Malaysia. then the institution that MIC was supposed to be as envisioned by the founding leaders and as adviced by Nehru will return to be a part of all Indians in Malaysia.
until then this card carrying member can only shake his head in disbelief and sadness as all will be lost come next elections.
M. Selva
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